How to convey bad news with wit

Notice by escalator at Waterloo station

Just when some of us were worried about getting a train home because of a possible strike, I spotted this notice by one of the escalators at Waterloo station. It made me laugh. Whereas it could simply have said “Out of order”, someone had taken the trouble to write a specific, helpful notice. It suggested […]

Verbification – bad or really good?

Fairground carousel

A list of a candidate’s qualifications for a recent appointment included the following: “She currently carousels on numerous committees.” This verbified noun took me by surprise. I thought carousels were are either merry-go-rounds or movable screens on a website or phone. I suppose the intention was to suggest that the person had lots of experience […]

What I’ve learned from the social marketers

Speaker gets off platform to sit with the audience.o the audience

The three case studies I’ve written about – eating more eggs in Malawi, reducing obesity in South-East England and reducing the demand for bushmeat in Kinshasa – were just a few I learned from at the World Social Marketing Conference last month. A lesson that came through loud and clear from several speakers was the […]